How to do a perfect plasterboard jointing: how to do it right? Most people think that doing it right is not an easy task and even those who are experts at it still make mistakes. The end result is that they have a house that does not look or feels good. If you are having problems with your joints and the boards seem to be suffering, you should consider a professional to help you. Read on to learn more about the basics of plasterboard and how you can do it right every time.
The two main types of plasterboard jointing are: straight and inclined. A straight board, also known as a flat board, will have two pieces where the first fits exactly into the next piece. The angled join between the two boards is called a V-joins. You will need to use a router to cut the joint. For larger surfaces you may need to cut the board into multiple pieces.
When you are doing a V-joins, you will need to start off by making a clean cut along the jointed area. Then, take your router and do a nice clean, square cut. Make sure the angle is just right and that all the pieces of wood are flush with each other. You can do this using a table saw.
If you are using V-joins then you should apply a primer to both the boards to prepare them for the jointing solution. The primer will prevent any dirt from getting stuck to the jointing solution. Follow all the instructions carefully when applying the jointing solution and you will be able to get a perfect fit. When using this type of jointing you need to use care and you need to be careful not to do it too fast.
Plasterboard paneling can be applied with nails or wood glue. It is best if you use glue because glue will stay put better than nails. To attach the first paneling strip you will need to use the supplied jointing tool. Position the first paneling strip over the board and mark the location with a pencil. Once you find the right spot mark it firmly and then nail it in place.
The next step is to take your sand paper and make a smooth sanding operation on the board. You need to make sure you smooth it out well otherwise it will start to bubble up. The next thing to do is to take your wood glue and make a really smooth paste out of it. Glue the first paneling strip to the board and then do the same for the rest of the strips. Do the same for the adjacent panels. When you are done you will have some very strong board standing up!
If the jointing solution is not stiff enough, apply some oil to the jointing heads and let it stand for a few minutes before applying more jointing solution. Apply the next paneling strip and then do the same for the remaining strips. Make sure you don’t apply too much jointing solution as you will start to see bubbles.
There you have it, three easy and simple ways on how to do a perfect plasterboard jointing. You don’t need to be an expert or an engineer to do this. Just follow these tips and before you know it, you will have a great looking finished room that will last for years!
So where should you start? Well there are numerous ways in which you could start. One of the simplest would be to choose a picture frame or any other similar item and trace around the outside of it. Remember to ensure that you do not cover up the details and you do not cut into the piece!
Another method of learning how to do a perfect plasterboard jointing involves cutting out a section of your wall and measuring it. Then carefully mark off the area where you want to place your jointing solution and sand the surface lightly. Use a sash, strip or another fitting and put together the pieces. You will then need to glue each piece down and then use some putty to hold them together as you can’t afford to get your work of art all messed up.
The final way in which you learn how to do a perfect plasterboard jointing is to simply go to the hardware store and purchase an item known as a ‘Jighead’. This is a special type of saw that will cut through the piece you have glued down. Once you have completed this task, simply put the piece back together and give it some more sandpaper and you have a nice simple joint. So if you would like to know how to do a perfect plasterboard jointing, then these are a few tips that can help you achieve the results that you desire.